Instructions for planting milkweed:

Asclepias fascicularis"Narrowleaf Milkweed”

California Native. Host plant for Monarch and Queen butterflies. Excellent source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. Summer bloom white / pink flowers.

Winter dormant.

All species of milkweed should be cut back during winter to rid of disease if not dormant to protect monarch species from OE spore build-up and help plant flush out new healthy leaves.

Sow 1/8” depth mid March-early May in well drained soil. Water every 3-5 days keeping soil moist until established. Deep water only once per week after first bloom to provide deep root moisture. Deep water once per month after first year.

Kristy Brauch Clougherty
Master Gardener LA

Garden Consultant
Nature Educator


Please report all monarch (stages) and milkweed sightings to: